


"Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work"



"I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand"


"The greatest waste ..... is failure to use the abilities of people"

Dr W Edwards Deming



I became CEO of a medium sized enterprise at a very difficult time in its development and it really was a case of 'sink or swim'! Fortunately I swam, but the pool became a pond, the pond became a lake that became a sea, that became an ocean ...... and no-one had prepared me for that journey.

So the journey from taking over the leaders role during a difficult performance crisis, down sizing, moving into and out of 'intensive care' with our bank, refinancing and turning the business around ... and then developing a global operation and leading the enterprise onto a plc listing ... was one of learning and discovery. An enjoyable journey on which I had fun but which at times became very lonely.

Along the way, I taught myself, researched, joined the CBI and met with other successful business leaders and in hindsight made many mistakes from which I still bare the scars!

This process/journey and learning curve became one of the inspirations and incentives to work with other MD/CEO's to pro-actively help them on this journey of discovery and personal development; hence my current business activities, which started out as a purely mentoring focus.

Mentoring for me therefore is about a peer to peer process of assisting the business leader achieve their full potential, stay ahead of the game and improve the enjoyment they get from their role by increasing their chances of success and value creation.

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Whereas Mentoring is principally a 'listening' process with a 'hands-off' approach, Coaching is about assisting the individual to develop new skills and techniques which helps them add more value to their business and organisation as well as to get more out of their role. It is therefore principally about enhancing performance and enabling sustainability.

The other incentive to establish my business practice was a profound belief that business methodologies had to change to cope with the 'new age'. Financially dominated metrics and annualised budgeting stifled my ability as CEO to lead our enterprise forward and cope with the changes we were experiencing.

This frustration led me by default to the Balanced Scorecard and subsequently to the Deming Philosophy; both of whose priciples I have now developed into an integrated process for application specifically into the SME domain. However, Coaching should not be confused with formal training.

Coaching as I see it is very much delivered 1 to 1, on the job and directly in context with the individuals requirements and business environment. It is therefore directly focused on implementation and can be more easily results orientated. ISΔS approach is process driven and provides a means of enabling the individual to continue on with their newly developed skills and techniques after the engagement has been completed.

The objective is focused on achieving breakthrough into sustainable value; for both the individual and their enterprise.

This approach has been developed over the last 10 years and specifically tailored for the SME and its business leader. It has already been successfully deployed within enterprises of many shapes, sizes and markets and client feedback is testimony to its perceived and realised value. Being targeted specifically at MD/CEO, ISΔS coaching is focused on the following topics:

This services section of the web site gives more detailed descriptions of these topics and clicking on the topic link above will take you directly to the topic of interest.