


"There will come a time when we will be surprised that we didnt know such obvious things "

Lucius Seneca


Your Customer (continuously) thinks .....

"Other suppliers continually make offers to provide more for my money. To keep my business you must offer me more than they. I am your customer now, BUT to keep me you must continually prove to me that you deserve my loyalty and that the value you bring me demonstrates over and over again that I have made a wise choice in selecting you, your products and your services above all others"


Sales & Marketing

The sales and marketing initiatives within a new business are relatively easy(!) as the market and client base is often very visible and tangible via the initial entrepreneurial drive. Either that or the approach is 'we'll take anything and everything that comes along'!

However, there comes a time when a more discplined and focused approach is required; a time when competitive positioning, brand and image development, differentiated routes to market, client profiles and spreading risk become business imperatives. Even when a sales and marketing strategy exists it is often 'bolted-on' and poorly aligned to enterprise Vision, business model and customer/business value drivers. Pricing becomes focused on cost+ as opposed to delivered value, potentially damaging both your competitiveness and delivered & derived value.

The earlier such a strategic process is developed and implemented then the easier it becomes to develop efficient and effective alignment that enables sustainable business value. Without such a strategy in place, S&M initiatives become reactive and tactical, often resulting in poor return on invested time, effort and money; particularly when they are also driven within the context of an annualised budgeting process.

With the pressures of todays dynamic marketplace, within your target market and associated audience, you need to be at your customers/clients fingertips and on their lips as their supplier of choice ...... consistently, IF you are to maintain their loyalty over an extended period of sustainability.

With the Internet driving new technologies and techniques, traditional S&M methods and strategies are at best limited in their ability to provide an acceptable RoI. The challenge is therefore not only to keep abreast of change but to stay ahead of the game; your shareholders will expect it, your customers will demand it ............... and your competitors will kill you if you dont!

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