ISDS Performance Management
About ISΔS
"It's about doing the right things rather than doing things right"
Jack Welch (former) CEO GE Corp
Experiences, Achievements & Competencies
ISΔS services are based upon real world practice and experience gained from 5 years as S&MD and 5+ years as CEO within a globally operating SME company and 5 years operating as a strategic mentor/coach and business advisor to MD/CEO's in a wide range of SME's. The following list is representative of the experiences and achievements during this time:
- Leading business turn-around through 'intensive-care' and onto a plc listing
- Leading turnaround and growth of 'phoenix' after receivership
- Leading refinancing (inc MBI) and business restructuring
- Leading and managing global business expansion via direct and indirect channels
- Development of business plans facilitating MBI financing and owner manager exit
- Directing and managing rapid growth under tight cash-flow restrictions
- Directing a sustainably differentiated market position utilising leading edge internet based technologies and techniques
- Directing organisational restructuring aligned to redefined market driven business model
- Development of strategic business and S&M plans properly aligned throughout client organisation to identified key value drivers
- Leading transformational change aligned to best practice corporate governance to enable fund raising and IPO listing
- Leading business process re-engineering, supporting strategic key business processes to ISO-9001-2000 standard
- Implementing performance management utilising financial and non-financial asset management process aligned to the strategic plan and based upon Balanced Scorecard principles
- Client MD leadership and role development creating senior management consensus and 'teamship' aligned to strategic vision
- Personal development of Directors for Board role, fiduciary duties and accountabilities compliant with best practice Corporate Governance
- Part-time Chairman of 1 mid-sized and 1 small SME
- Coaching & menoring of MD's in a diverse range and size of companies
- Etc., etc.