ISDS Performance Management
About ISΔS
"The most frequent thing we change is the Chief Exec. The theory is that the Chief Exec sorts the rest of the management out and if he doesn't we sort him out"
Jon Moulton; Managing Partner
Alchemy (UK Private Equity firm)
Approach (cont)
No 'rocket science' here you may think, but,..... how many companies (and therefore business leaders) operate effectively in this way?
So, if any of the following questions concern you; ISΔS can help ...
- How many MD/CEO's are continuously 'deflected' into short-term (tactical) day-to-day management issues?
- How many MD/CEO's are so stretched covering gaps in their resource and/or organisation that they struggle to see beyond survival let alone sustainability?
- How many MD/CEO's look after their business and staff needs and ignore/neglect their own (developmental) needs?
- How many MD/CEO's understand the drivers of value relating specifically to their personal performance?
- How many businesses are severely damaged by the impact of unforeseen market change?
- How many businesses are properly structured to embrace the challenges and opportunties afforded by the Internet and appreciate the impact this exponentially growing route to market is having on their business and market share?
- How many business leaders/owners PLAN for exit (or fund-raising) with the full knowledge of how best to achieve this for maximum value within their own timescales?
- How many MD/CEO casualties result from failure to keep up with the pace of change which impacts their role and business?
- How many businesses operate with a 'live' strategic business plan driving their performance management as opposed to an annualised financial budget which forces short term decisions?
- How many businesses are struggling to maintain financial resources which meet their investment needs?
- How many SME MD/CEO's and Boards are aware of the existing/impending legislation and guidelines which will seriously impact their roles, accountabilities and business value?
- How many MD/CEO's have lost the enjoyment from their role .......?
- How many ........................ etc.
Informed decision making on effectively balanced criteria implemented within an organisation efficiently aligned with corporate objectives and freely given consensus is vital for sustainable success!