ISDS Performance Management
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"Where there is no Vision, the people perish"
Proverbs, 29:18
Business & Strategic Planning (cont)
Vision to Value (V2V) developed by ISDS provides a process for delivering a plan that contains these features and benefits. Its purpose is to convert the abstracts of Vision into a strategic plan tailored for implementation. Its heart is centred around developing a purposeful understanding and appreciation of what 'the business of your business' is for all to clearly understand and support.
Such a plan and process enables a much deeper insight into your enterprise; its value drivers, business model, structure, dynamics, where you are and where you want to go, as well as how you are going to grow value via your competitive market positioning for developing business sustainability.
The process also enables a better 'balance' between every aspect of the business to promote cross functional strategic success; therby also enabling flexibility and making the business leaders role easier to manage.
Some of the key benefits of V2V are therefore:
Providing a process, format and structure to develop YOUR OWN live business plan as a de-facto methodology for ongoing management of your business value. It therefore becomes your own way of 'doing things'
Providing a process for converting your Vision and Mission into a meaningful set of agreed company objectives based over acceptable timescales defined within the plan
Communicating direction, establsihing purpose, creating alignment throughout the organisation and setting a route map with benchmarks for the journey to sustainable success
Providing discipline, focus, structure and process balanced with the flexibility to maintain entrepreneurial inspiration within the bounds of acceptable risk appetite
Providing synergy with the role of MD/CEO and the associated leadership and management principles
Providing a process for converting your corporate objectives into strategic initiatives and an aligned tactical implementation activity plan
Highlighting the importance of defining core customer value as the basis for developing the key value drivers of the enterprise and the management of win-win strategies
Defining key functional strategies and cause-effect dynamics for improved synergy and alignment throughout the organisation
Development and alignment of both financial and non-financial KPI's associated with these value drivers, initiatives and stakeholders for improved performance management and informed decision making