

"They must often change who would be constant in happiness or wisdom"


New Beginnings (cont)

I believe that if you put these two symmetrical approaches together for true holistic benefit you have the means to develop an enterprise based upon high efficiency, effectiveness and flexibility which no matter where the competitive pressures exist can not only survive but also establish sustainability in a changing world.

The real mystery is ‘WHY’, when they have been available to us for so long, have they not been used on a wider scale before now? ‘WHY’ have they not overtaken traditional methods and styles and become the de facto management method??

The simple reason is ‘CHANGE’; including cultural change. To embrace these ‘contemporary’ principles (for that is what they are, even though they have been around for a relatively long time) requires fundamental and profound change. Transformational change certainly, yet manageable change based upon a process driven approach which facilitates the transition …. IF integrated within the strategic processes of the enterprise as opposed to a ‘bolt-on’ initiative.

This process driven approach is sound and based upon common-sense and logical principles. It can be challenged from whatever angle you like and still stands up to these tests. However, as Dr Deming himself stated; “No one has to change, survival is optional”!

We now live in a business environment where change is enforced and must be transformational for us to survive. But that is what presents the ‘opportunity’.

The financial domination of management practice is finally at an end. Even though the principle of ‘cash is king’ remains (and always will I think) there is now a new way which enables us all to better manage our enterprises. A ‘new way’ that is tried and tested but not widely taken up. A ‘new way’ that facilitates improved alignment and balance within our organisations. The challenge is there to embrace this change, take up this ‘new way’, become more efficient, effective and flexible than our competition and build sustainable enterprises. …… before they do!

For those larger SME’s who may be contemplating a Plc listing or even a trade sale, then it is worthy of note to appreciate that this ‘new way’ also facilitates total compliance and compatibility with existing and emerging Corporate Governance. and CSR regulations. A matter I’m sure we all take seriously, as we should, unlike those at the top of our financial institutions who have seemingly ridden rough-shod over them during recent times!

Human nature being the way it is, I expect 80+% of you to ignore this change driver and stick with tradition; after all its what you know and ‘seemingly’ provides the path of least resistance. However, I will take pleasure in others who will at least seek to explore what this change means, challenge its approach and get to understand the real opportunity.

Whatever you choose to do and it’s a decision only you can make and then live with, I wish you ‘God Speed’ on your journey. The path you choose now will determine your future.

Finally, I would like to say that I have written this ‘blog’ not for those with closed minds, because they will never see, or even for those considered as visionaries, because they will always seek new ways forward, but principally for those hovering in between, because my desire is to ‘convert’ them and show them that there is a better way to achieve sustainable success.